Saturday, March 11, 2023

Paper Pellet Cat Litter

Mar 2

I'm slowly introducing this into the scoopable litter in one of the boxes. I'm not sure how it's going to work once it's the only material in there. There's a lot of waste when picking out the poo or urine because the pellets are so large the good ones don't fall through the scoop. At least the cats aren't objecting to it. They seem more inclined to use it for pooping and have taken to using the other box more for peeing. Even if I do have one box that's paper and one that's dusty, that's 50% less dust.

Mar 11

I'm continuing the pellet experiment. Even if I don't convert to it entirely, I may continue to mix it. The pellets sometimes do get out. I'm still not sure how they will absorb urine without the clumping clay litter.

A dog nose and nosy rose leaves

 Just wanting to add these pics for the record.

Will I be able to keep the potted dog rose alive?

How much longer will I have the privilege of Ginger's expectant leer?

Friday, March 3, 2023

Photo spree

 Once again I had some fun taking pics on the spur of the moment.

I found these stacked cups interesting.

Attempting self portraits did not go very well.

Dogs got in my way a couple of times.

My current poop scooper set up.

Light on curtains.

Utensils in the sink.

Condensation on the container I'm using to sprout African Violet cuttings.

Sunset in the hood after a storm front went through midday.

Other photos will be shared on my druidry blog.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Jasmine to the vet

The good news was that her kidney function has not decreased. She continues to be in the early stage of kidney failure. So the blood in the urine was from an infection and/or crystals. She was given the 2-week antibiotic shot and a shot for pain. 

She was much more outgoing while on the pain shot, which leads me to believe she's more often in pain than I have been aware of. 

I have to say that I hate that a cat has to be sedated in order to take a blood sample (required to assess kidney function).

Though it was inconsistent, adding liquid to her food helped, whether it was water or chicken broth or the turkey broth at the pet store. I mixed pumpkin with the turkey broth and both cats would finish it with food so I'm going to continue that going forward.

I also need to keep her on the urinary goo daily.