Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Time gets away

Much of my time has gotten lost in trying to maintain life: a little paid work, a little unproductive activity that makes me feel good, chores, sleeping and other self-care.

The pellet litter experiment failed. Since the pellets aren't "finished" on the ends, they're very splintery. The cats didn't like that and it meant potential for slivers that could lead to infection, especially given that my cats are elderly. I've started to use Dr. Elsey's and that is working better than my old litter with less dust. I'm resigned to having dust as long as I have cats.

Today was my trip to CS vet to get Boo's gabapentin for the nerve pain in her neck.

This is the longest trip I make (20 minutes) I usually make each month, south through the countryside. It's pleasant but the thought of having a mechanical failure on that stretch makes it feel risky. I don't feel up to walking far and have no one local to call should I get in a spot.

Some nappy pet pictures from about a week ago:

An extraordinary sky from the last time I was at the grocery store. I actually noticed it reflected in the hatchback window of my car first and then looked up and decided to take some pictures before heading home.

Upon arriving home, I took more.

Jasmine has been diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease but she's pretty stable. She just isn't interested in going outside anymore, which is what alerted me that she was going downhill. I've got a special diet dry food coming in the next couple of days that I'm hoping she'll take to. I've gotten a cat water fountain in hopes of encouraging her to drink more. However, I'm not going to go to extremes, such as subcutaneous water injections or anything else that will result in stressing her and just making her last months or years a trial. She's an old cat and if this is how she is going to go, then this is simply it. I'll try to keep her comfortable as long as possible.

Pooka seems to realize something is amiss with her buddy as well. It's another thing I noticed. They were sleeping together more often after a long stretch of sleeping mostly in separate areas. And it always appeared from their positions as though Pooka had gone up to Jasmine to comfort her.

Meanwhile, Ginger is going strong. Boo is tolerating the utter boredom of her life. Zippy is very very slowly becoming better at being out in the house without having to be in the same room as me. 

My own health is constantly changing but otherwise my day to day life changes very little, which is why I don't post much here.

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