Saturday, February 25, 2023

Cat crisis

 I think Jasmine has a very bad UTI infection.

This afternoon, when I went in to feed them dinner, I saw what I thought was orangey diarrhea. It would make sense from the color of the food I've been feeding. There was also a lot in their box for that time of day. I decided to clean it while they were eating. Jasmine only ate a little and then had a fit of vomiting bile. My assumption is that she's the one with the loose poop. One of the cats had also vomited their earlier meal. 

But then when I went in to check about 8pm, it looked like bloody, mucusy pee rather then poo. I dug out some old antibiotics and gave her a dose and am trying to figure out how to keep her from getting worse until I can get her to a vet. Though it's not advised, I may give her some of my clavimox. 

I had given her antibiotics during the week. I had a full bottle provided by my vet for such an event. It ran out a couple of days ago so this seems to be a resurgence of it. --On the assumption it's Jasmine, which is my assumption from her not eating much and vomiting in response to food. Pooka isn't showing signs of illness except excessive hunger.

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