Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Dog Photos

A few indoors. Boo sleeps under the corner desk only when Pooka out and is wanting to be petted. So this is Boo's jealous position. If I won't let her interfere with Pooka being petted, then she will try to be as close as possible--as a matter of principle--or something.

This is one of Ginger's dead dog poses that she's so fond of over the last year or so.

Here she is making a long stretch to play footsies. Usually if she's laying at my feet, which is rare these days, she has to have one foot on my foot and for some reason can't just leave it there but has to keep nudging my foot with hers. In this moment, I lingered too long within reach and she couldn't resist making contact.

Took my phone out with me while cleaning the dog year and got some decent dog pics. And miracle of miracles, Zippy will actually sit still for a picture outside. Alas, outside Boo always wants to be too close for pics.

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