Monday, November 20, 2023

November Catch Up

Had my hair cut short. Mom was the only one who had anything to say about it even though I informed the whole family and included pictures. She was positive. Amy eventually responded but only regarding other topics.

Zippy lit into Ginger and appears to have drown blood in at least one place on her neck, possibly two. I didn't initially find those spots but a day or so later I felt places that seemed like dried blood in her fur. I suspect Zippy jumped out the doggy door and hit Ginger in a way that hurt her and so she objected and then Zippy went insane. It took both me and Boo to break it up. Even the next day, Zippy was doing a dominance dance around Ginger but came away when I called her. I waited another day or two and then they appeared to be fine. This incident had me looking into behavioral euthanasia. I think on one offense it's not fair but I could see doing it in the future. Ginger is a really inoffensive dog so attacking her with the intensity that Zippy did, which absolutely requires defense from Ginger, highlights that she's just not right. It underscores that I can't take her up to parents unless Lucy is out of the picture. Even then I question it. If Zippy starts something with one of the big dogs, which she will undoubtedly try at some point, it could trigger a fight between the two big dogs, which would be bad. So that's what I'm looking at: if I move in with a remaining parent, I will need to put Zippy down or have a way to keep her separate.

Leah is not willing to drive up to take care of animals. Only if she can stay overnight does it make sense to her. I'm not surprised and can't blame her, but it's even more house-cleaning for me in preparation to go and she has had bladder problems in which she has wet her bed, so I don't think that's the best idea. I then made other calls to vet staff and etc and no suggestions. I'll need to create a poster to put up in some vet offices or advertise in the paper or on facebook, which means creating an application because I'm not going to accept just anyone coming into my home. I asked a neighbor who had been out walking his dog but he wasn't able to talk well, which made me question if he would be able to understand instructions. I realized that my pets are more complicated than they used to be and that one of the medications is a pain-killer that an unscrupulous pet-sitter might want to steal. So it's all more complicated than I'd hoped it would be. I'm continuing to make some calls but I have little faith in word of mouth at this point. 

It has also made me realize what an obstacle house cleaning is for me in terms of getting out of the house, so I need to also search for a regular house cleaner. Once I get a regular house cleaner and a regular pet sitter/helper, I may be able to visit parents more often.

Mother has gotten her dividend check and wants me to help her spend it by doing home repairs to get my house ready for sale. I'll do some but she doesn't understand how much stuff costs or how little in return I'll get out of the expense. I may see if she's willing to have it spent on making me more comfortable, like getting a twin bed and comfortable chair/recliner or daybed.

House and shadow pics from the past couple of days:

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