Sunday, November 26, 2023

Being busy and spending money

 In large measure, it's just as well that I didn't end up traveling for Thanksgiving. I felt well enough on Thanksgiving day, Friday, and Saturday to get some things done around the house.

I finally got the three of the big bins out of the living room and took the two glassed end tables to the Mission store. I love how it has opened up the living room to something more normal. I still have two bins in there to decide on and one of the bins removed from the living room is sitting on a kitchen table because it needs to be repacked. I've ordered bubble wrap for that purpose.

I also had enough time to do shop online for a twin bed and mattress. Mom had invited me to help spend some money. I'll spend some on home maintenance/improvement but I also need to make my home more livable until I move and to allow for more storage space for boxed items.

I also attacked another box of books and got rid of all of them that were large because my hands can't deal with large books anymore.

Finally, I brushed dogs, clipped their nails, swept the kitchen, got rid of the roach bait (this was the year of the roach in my house for some reason) and vacuumed the living room (which I find so much more taxing than sweeping a floor). I discovered that Ginger has a nasty wound on her neck. I put triple antibiotic ointment on it but may have to take her to the vet. It appeared to have proud flesh developing around it. I wonder if it's related to the fight with Zippy and whether it's the spot where her large wart was. It was a large crusty wart that grew quickly then stagnated. I hadn't noticed it in a while. Lordy.

Today, Sunday, I crashed. I was really dragging and didn't get up (except for feeding animals) until late afternoon.

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