Saturday, December 2, 2023

Majestic Earth Celtic Cross Spread 12-2-23

1. Situation--Hierophant's Domain

  • A desire to do the right thing, especially regarding elders.

2. Present influence--Spirit of Stone

  • Stability, but also distance and obstacles. Things set in stone can make goals seem impossible. I need to learn to fly to overcome the distance and obstacles--or to plan a longer timeline.
  • This combined with the Hierophant hints at a spirtual journey or trial.

3. Card representing me--Rider of Trees

  • Yes, the need for travel and swift action, which I'm not really capable of these days. Maybe this represents what I want to be true.

4. Recent past--8 of Clouds

  • Waylaid, shipwrecked, stuck in the ice of my body. The ice is breaking up but I need a crew to sail the ship.

5. Desired outcome of situation--9 of Stone

  • To be master of my destiny, stable, without the need for travel, to be more permanently and comfortably ensconced in one location.

6. Entering influence--Rider of Water

  • Emotionally adrift or lackadaisical. No desire to move beyond my local environment. Feeling foggy and unfocused.

7. Trending outcome--5 of Water

  • A time of grounded isolation. Not being able to pull off a Rider of Trees save of the situation.

8. Bridge between present (center) and trending outcome (northeast of center)--4 of Water

  • Love where I'm at. Be patient with myself and my process.

9. Bridge between desired outcome (top) and trending outcome (right of top)--10 of Stone

  • Allow the financial help of parents. Or again appreciate what I have even if it's not as grand as the past.

Overall this set of cards strike me as showing the benefits and disadvantages of stability. It would be best and would make me happy if I didn't have to go anywhere for the holidays but there currently isn't any way for me to resolve that situation. This reading and this deck don't offer solutions.

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