Saturday, December 16, 2023

Another trial behind me

Today was the day that the full-sized bed left and I set up the new twin bed and mattress. My bedroom seems so much more spacious--partly because I moved some things out of it for the move. I woke up this morning feeling awful and having a twinge in my back but taking it slow in the morning sitting in the recliner seemed to have gotten rid of the twinge and I ended up with enough step-by-step gumption that I cleared the deck for the mattresses to be removed. It turns out the male part of the couple who came to pick it up was a former student. The new bed was fairly easy to put together, though it did take some time. The mushiness of the mattress doesn't initially impress me but I hope it's okay to sleep on--at least not worse than the other mattress. I haven't introduced the dogs and cats to it. I may have trouble keeping the dogs off of it. It will be much easier for the cats to get up on. In any case, I'm relieved to have had a day when I felt well enough to tackle such a big project.

In other news, I thought I had a potential pet helper but then saw he was picked up by Marshall Co Sheriff in April for failing to appear. Though I don't know what for, I've decided not to be curious and will just ignore the email he sent.

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