Saturday, December 2, 2023

Surrender Cards 12-2-23


Surrender to Receiving Support and Love

Stop trying to handle everything myself. Allow the help of others to take the pressure off and allow me to feel nurtured.

In practical terms this means getting home care help and possibly leaving US Chess or taking a leave of absence so I can focus on seeing parents and taking care of myself.


Surrender the Habit of People Pleasing

It's significant that this continues to come up. Focus on my own happiness is the key message. 

Who will I inconvenience if I prioritize my own happiness and why am I unwilling to inconvenience them? In what way will I inconvenience them?


Surrender Your Addictions

I'm working on this and am making progress. I think I need a better understanding of what holes the addictions are filling and what would better fill them.


Surrender to Success

I need to define what would be success for me at this time and do what I can to employ others to help me get it. It clearly is not monetary success or work success, so what success is it going to be and which things need to go for the new success to come into being

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