Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Family technology trials

When Zoom only half way worked on Xmas day, Amy stepped up and arranged a facebook facetime, which neither I nor Dad had ever done before. From there, I worked with Dad so that we could do facetime on our phones.

Mom did not remember that I'd cut my hair. Didn't remember the email even when reminded nor that I'd provided pictures along with it. I hadn't realized that I might be messing with her mind. She said I didn't look like the same person, which could be difficult for her at this stage in a way I hadn't considered.

Dad thinks that if my house sells without me having a place to live, that he can force a truce with Mom over my animals. I believe that might be true with the dogs, but I doubt it with my cats. And if there's an "emergency" regarding my animals, then I am also vulnerable. Dad says he can step up and be the leader. But I so rarely see him doing that that his declaration is not very believable. And I believe Mom would act out, maybe not at the dogs but at the cats. 

Also, Dad is not realistic about the dogs getting along. Zippy and Lucy would absolutely get into it in a horrible way. I'm increasingly ready to put Ginger down. I'm not ready to put Zippy down. And Dad hasn't seemed willing to put up a separate fenced area for the dogs. So if Zippy gets into it with Abby, then Boo will get involved, for better or worse. If it were just Boo and Abby, it would probably be alright.

I'm wondering if I can work something out with Ben, though it doesn't seem likely.

I finally had someone pick up the dresser w/shelf that's been on my porch for over a week. It was a man who wanted it for his teenage son and the boy seemed happy with it.

I took the hand truck out for them to use if they wanted and Boo got out. She went far enough afield that I lost sight of her for a while. I'm not up to chasing her so I just waited and checked periodically. She's chipped so I figured that would have to be her saving grace if it came down to it. She did eventually swing back around and came to me but didn't want to come inside. I let her stray and then come back to me a couple of times on the porch until she finally came in the house. She clearly doesn't let her neck stop her from running. Thankfully she didn't run into any trouble while on her frolic. I should take her into the back field some time. I've been thinking about it and they've now mowed it. So long as it's brisk, it shouldn't be too ticky.


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