Sunday, December 3, 2023

Gma & Gpa Pearson Message 12-3-23

Herbcrafters Tarot

4 of Earth--Willow (basket construction)

  • Creating a base frame on which to cumulatively build a complete structure.
  • Planning to be sure to have all of the supplies for steady progress.
  • Planning the stages of the process so I know where to pick up again if there's an interruption.

I think this refers to seeking housekeeping and pet care help. It is also generally good advice for anything I'm doing.

5 of Earth--Slippery Elm (sapling needing protection and support)

  • "You have what it takes to survive a crisis."
  • "The home is old and in need of repair but is sturdy."
  • "Alienation from your support structure compounds an issue."
  • "Create a warm and comfortable place to hole up until your situation improves."

This clearly refers to my home and encourages doing repairs on it and making it more comfortable until it's time for me to sell it.

3 of Earth--Raspberries (3 full baskets)

  • "Teamwork multiplies productivity."
  • "Trust your leadership and organizing skills."
  • "Approach people with clear expectations and agreements."
  • Direct skills toward something you will enjoy in the end.
  • Being stronger and happier together.

This could apply to either pet help or home help all of which are directed toward bringing me into contact more frequently with family. There's mention that raspberry canes don't produce fruit until the second year so I should expect this process to take some time.

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