Sunday, December 3, 2023

Gma Inman and Gpa Inman Messages 12-3-23

 Grandma Inman--Herbal Tarot

8 of Cups (Gravel Root)

A need to step outside of the usual emotional attachments in order to understand a more essential, personal source of emotional renewal. Honoring the need for time detached from the usual connections regardless of how supportive they may be.

Fool (Ginseng)

Making friends with the void. What is worth carrying into a new phase? What do I need to feel optimistic about leaving behind the known without having a firm footing in the future? Following my nose or knowing what the right scent to follow is. What scents will help uplift me?

6 of Wands (Hawthorne)

A new arena in which I'm a natural, that's familiar and in which I'll succeed.

Together I think they're saying that only after I find a method of emotional renewal will I have the courage and optimism to take risks. I have no idea what the arena of activity referred to in the 6 of Wands could be.


Empress/7 of P/Star

It's appropriate to make use of the generosity of my mother because her resources are a more collective resource than I realize and because they give her hope...

Tower/5 of C/Judgment

...that I will be ready to help them when there is need.

To be honest, I don't think I'll be able to be that much help because of my health but certainly there's no chance of my helping if I'm too bound up here.

On a whim, I pulled a Black Angel card and received a message about having faith and trusting in the unseen. This deck makes it more clear that I need to shift away from spending my time and energy on making money and instead focus on what it will take to be more involved with family, which means figuring out how to pave a way forward. Even when it feels like spending Mom and Dad's money is all about me, it's not. It's about our final days as a family.

Grandpa Inman--Tarot Illuminati

Princess of Sw/Ace of Sw/7 of W

Use your head and clear the deck.

9 of P/9 of Sw/Lovers

Worry less about myself or money and more about my parents.


I need to forge ahead regardless of uncertainty. It may take a year for things to come to fruition.

I tried asking about how the housing situation will resolve itself and didn't get a response that made any sense. It is apparently the Moon in the set above.

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