Friday, December 15, 2023

Getting rid and rearranging

I hate the trials of getting rid of big items. Today I thought I had someone picking up the dresser w/shelf. She was supposedly on her way but never showed up. This was through Facebook. In readiness I put the components on the porch, so now they're sitting there in the way of the people who were wanting to pick up the bed this weekend. I've given her till tomorrow noon to pick it up or I'm going on to the next person there are 2 more interested.

I've managed to get all of the big bins that were in my living room into other rooms. The moth ball one is out on the porch. I'm not sure if airing it will result in it being usable. I'm thinking of giving it to the recycling center. Last week I was finally able to dismantle the wheelbarrow that has been on the porch and put the bucket

I also moved the black shelves into the "office" to put my file boxes on, which has worked out well, so that room is also feeling more open--even though it's currently housing the mattress and frame waiting for my old bed to depart. 

The living room is feeling much more open even though I've got the recliner in there and the big corner desk (still waiting for me to organize the disability paperwork). Using my hand truck (which is how I moved the parts of the dresser), I moved some bins of books to the window where the black shelves had been and it works well while being less bulky. Once I get the corner desk out, I'll move the recliner in that corner. It's a bit too close to the gas heater where it's currently sitting.

So far I'm pleased with how the rearranging is going. I do look at all of my bins of tarot and oracle decks and wonder if they're really worth keeping. I've got 11. I wonder what I'd have to give up to wheedle it down to 5 or 6. It would mostly require getting rid of ones that were in larger boxes with larger books. Off the top of my head, those would be:

  • The Green Witch Tarot
  • The Mermaid Tarot
  • The Tao Oracle
  • The Weavers Oracle
  • Tarot of the Hidden Realms
  • Forest of Enchantment Tarot
  • Herbcrafter's Tarot

4 of those are Llewellyn decks with soft cardstock, which I would miss. But I have to say that 4 of them are seldom to never used and one only serves one purpose. The one I'd most hate to lose is the Forest of Enchantment because it has such wonderful storybook images. But could they all be replaced by other decks already in my collection? Yes. Consolidating might eliminate one since there aren't many decks in the Missing Persons bin at the moment. I don't know how ruthless I'll eventually be but there's no need to make deck decisions at the moment. I really have very few possessions compared to most people.

I also took another box of books to the library and have another box of items to take to the Mission store, including some clothes.

Slowly but surely wheedling things down. I'll be glad when the big furniture items are gone.

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