Sunday, December 10, 2023

Not looking good for Xmas

 Though there are still groomers I can call, I've made a lot of calls and have now put up flyers at all of the local vets that have boards, as well as at TSC. 

The plan to get a new bed and ask Leah again also hasn't worked because no one wants a free bed frame. Honestly. The mission store only comes out for a full house load of furniture. Facebook is a bust. I'm left trying to figure out how I can get the mattress and box springs out of my house without damaging my back and then how to dismantle my bed. I guess I could take the chain saw to it. I hadn't thought of that until just now. Or I could cut the posts so that it would fit it out the door. We'll see. I need to try putting a poster out at the road first.

Both Mom and Dad hounded me today about making it for Xmas. I wish they wouldn't second guess me or make obvious suggestions as though I'm an idiot or as though I'm somehow intentionally delaying. If I can't make it for Xmas, I can't make it. Eventually I'll find someone and I'll visit then. Until then, I won't be traveling.

Mom needs to own part of this situation since she nixes any attempts at a compromise that would allow me to stay with them with my pets. So it is what it is.

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